A Short-Form Dream Logger

The Dream Drop is meant to be a “short-form” dream logger. This is not a journal replacement, but rather a quick and simple way to log multiple dreams and share them with the world. For example, here are a few short-form dreams from twitter:

I just had a dream where I saved Bill Hader from a shark attack, and then he told me I’m an embarrassing drunk.

I had a dream don jr was sucking my toes and I said ew they’re gross I’ve been walking w bare feet! And he said I don’t care I like em cold and dirty. Also I had to go to the bathroom and there was nowhere to go.

Had a dream where evil space creatures intent on destroying humankind land, watch us for a few days, shrug, then take off.

Last nites dream: Jon Snow & I running 4 r lives. The only thing 2 save us is a dance off. Those who failed the dance off were slaughtered.

I had a dream last night that my shoe came untied so Drake retied it, looked at me and said “God’s Plan” with a wink.

Our Core Features

Location Based

See what others are dreaming in your area and how your dreams intersect with dreams from around the world.

100% Anonymous

No usernames, no passwords, no phone number, no email address, no trackers, no advertisers.

For Adults

Intended and identified as being for adults only (18+). There’s no censored content, so you can be open and honest about your dreams.

Rich Statistics

Quickly see what you’re dreaming about most often, using our ever expanding set of detailed reports.

Easy Filtering

Filter your dreams down to what’s most important to you at the time and watch as those filters are applied to your community.

AI Insights

Allow Artificial Intelligence to connect the dots and help you find the possible meaning behind your dreams.

Location and Privacy is Everything

Your approximate location is central to the social ideals of the dream drop, though we never store, in any way, your exact location. By simply using your approximate location, we can help you find other anonymous dreamers in your area who have had similar dreams. We’re all a lot more connected than we may realize and finding these connections through our dreams and shared experiences will help bring us together.

What are you dreaming about

We’ve got stats for everything

From discovering what types of dreams you’re having most often, to finding out which words you frequently use to describe you dreams, the dream drop can provide insights into what would otherwise be difficult to discover.

There’s more to come

As our community grows and our collective experiences are gathered, we’ll be able to provide even more impactful reports. You’ll be able to learn how your dreams relate to the dreams of those around you and explore regional commonalities and differences. Beyond new stats, we have many features planned for the future: features to help with lucid dreaming, features to improve device security and the addition of alternate visual themes.